my plan seems to be progressing well.  i am not having any more restless nights and my dreams now leave me with a feeling of euphoria.  the feeding session went well. noticed that the thing is growing very rapidly. it can move about its room, though not with any great speed.  this only after a few days.  my estimations based on its growth rate vs. food supply, is that within the week the thing will be independently functional.  as long as its current rate of consumption does not increase.
must remember to get more bandages.
the thing is satisfied.  after an interminable period of vacillation and worry the choice to appease it was not as large of a concern as i had initially conjectured. simply choosing to move forward in this direction has taken a great weight off my mental strains.  i feel almost pleased to have hit upon this singular solution.  the thing has stopped it's constant damnable mewling now that it has a steady supply of fresh sustenance. indeed it seems to grow exponentially with just the few morsels i have supplied it with thus far.  so truly in this case a little will go a long way.  i am also saved from taking actions that i might otherwise regret.  there is no regret in this course of action and once the thing is able to maneuver for itself i will be free.